This version of Slider89 hasn't been maintained for a while and is not all that good either, so please refrain from using it. Don't use these docs for any reason other than to admire their weird-but-beautiful-nes.

Slider89 has been rewritten completely from scratch and a new version of Slider89 is well underway. With it, these docs will be overhauled. You can follow the development on its GitHub page.


If you have at some point needed an input type=range while developing a website you'll know that they are awesome. They fit with a lot of use cases and are very convenient to both interact with as user and deal with as developer.
However, the restriction of not being able to style it very well is a point which isn't easy to ignore. People tell me that there are many ways to style a range input, to which I answer with the question whether approximately 80 lines of css (cross-browser support included) solely for one range input is worth it.

This is why I made a library to solve this very problem: Slider89, which also happened to solve a lot more problems. How convenient!

#What is this?

Slider89 is a very simple library for easily creating sliders (range inputs) for a webpage. Being based on custom HTML elements and Javascript instead of a built-in browser side <input>-element, it allows for full styling and behaviour customization. It is, for example, very useful for modifying values on the go.

A basic slider can look like this (Its background-color is a bit darker but otherwise this is an all-default slider):

Obviously, the default theme and configuration will not fit into everyone's design and use cases, but Slider89 is strong when it comes to customization. Beware, however, that it is still in an early alpha state and more features are yet to come.

Please also note that while Slider89 is in the alpha state, everything may change without further warnings, including exposed getter/setter properties and functions.

#Getting started

Slider89 is a client-side library (I don't know yet how useful it is to have it on NPM), so you first need to fetch the necessary files and load them up into your HTML document.
There are two ways of doing this: you can either download them from its repository on GitHub, https://github.com/Hallo89/Slider89, or fetch the files from the repo's website as seen below to always get the latest available version.
In both cases only two files are needed: slider89.js and slider89.css.
You'll then need to link them in your HTML file (first the download way):

<script src="yourpath/slider89.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="yourpath/slider89.css">

or, fetching from the website:

<script src="https://hallo89.github.io/Slider89/slider89.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://hallo89.github.io/Slider89/slider89.css">

Tip: I prefer to load both script and style at the end of the document (before the closing body tag) so that the page will build a tiny bit faster. That's because one will most likely not need the files before as the DOM needs to build up before one can interact with it, which makes sense.

Now that everything is loaded up, we can start to create sliderz. All you have to know is the initialization method; everything else can be taken from the documentation section.
To create one instance of a slider, we do the following in our Javascript:

const mySlider = new Slider89(targetElement);

We create a new instance of the Slider89 class with the new operator and pass the DOM element we want the slider to be created in as argument into the function.
Assigning the instance to a variable is optional, it will be created in the given element one way or another, but without a variable one obviously can't do anything with the slider.
An all-default slider initialized plainly like this will look like the example you see above:

As stated above, config options are available: to configure the slider, we pass an additional argument into the Slider89 constructor, an object which we equip with configuration properties. Here's an example:

const mySlider = new Slider89(targetElement, {
  min: -50,
  max: 175,
  value: 80

Which would turn out into this:


This chapter will introduce all available methods, variables etc. with a thorough explanation.

Version selector

If you are restricted to a specific version, choose it here and the docs will adapt.

Published on 31/12/2018 Go to release
What's new
  • New property: structure. It takes a string similar to an XML structure to assemble a customized HTML structure
  • element has been changed in favor of the new structure system: It is now a JavaScript object containing every part of the slider as opposed to only the root element
  • tipDuration can now be set to false to prevent it from disappearing altogether
  • The HTML classing has been changed to improve stylability: non crucial CSS suited for altering, has been moved into a new, independent class to be spoken to without nesting in the selector, slider89_{slider-part}; crucial CSS is still selected with a (more difficult to override) .slider89 .slider_{slider-part}
Published on 8/12/2018 Go to release
What's new
  • New property: taskMouseUp, taking a function to be executed every time the mouse is released after engaging with a slider possessing this property
  • value is now trimmed to the value of comma, when specified, within the same initialization
  • If value is changed to more than max or less than min with newValues(), they are now set to min and max accordingly
  • Fixed the width not computing anew when changing values with newValues()
  • Fixed new min, max and comma values being ignored when they are changed to 0 in newValues()
Published on 11/11/2018 Go to release
What's new

Slider89's initial release - more updates will come in the future.


These are the key to reading values from the slider and defining its properties.
Every property's value is read using <sliderInstance>.<property>

# Configuration properties

Define the slider's configuration as properties of an object passed as a parameter into various functions.

The minimum value of the slider's range
type: number
influencing: width at 'auto'
default: 0
The maximum value of the slider's range
type: number
influencing: width at 'auto'
default: 100
Used to get and set the value of the slider
type: number
default: min
How many digits the value should have after its decimal place
type: int
default: 0
The final width of the slider.
A number represents the width in pixels regardless of the slider's range, whereas the keyword 'auto' computes the width automatically from the slider's range in a 1:1 ratio.
If the property absWidth is false (default), the width is implicit; it is expanded by a small amount resembling the left/right padding of the slider (Currently half the thumb's width either side, configurable in the future) in order to get an expected result
type: number
unit: px
available keywords: 'auto'
influences: absWidth, min, max
default: 'auto'
The caption of the slider in the .slider89_header element
type: string
influences: structure
default: ''
An array containing CSS classes to be added to the slider's top-level element in its HTML structure
type: array<string>
influencing: HTML structure
default: []
This property takes a reference to a function to be executed every time the slider is moved (event: mousemove). A function reference is either an anonymous function or a declared function without parentheses
type: function reference
default: undefined
Version: 0.1.1
This property behaves similarly to task but it is only executed every time the mouse button is released after the slider has been interacted with (event: mouseup)
type: function reference
default: undefined
Version: 0.2.0
An XML-like format resulting in the final HTML structure of the slider.
(For now) necessary tags: <wrapper>, <knob>, <tooltip>, <caption>, where every tag except wrapper is a non-closing one-line tag.
Definition of attributes: inside a tag, [!]attributeName(value1[, value2[, ...]]), where an exclamation mark in front of the attribute overwrites potential library-side pre-defined values.
Custom elements can be inserted anywhere. They need to have a unique name and their tag type (div, etc.) can be declared after their name.
Inner text content is created by simply placing it inside the tag at the end in quotation marks.
<caption !class(input_header)>
<text span class(char_info, default) "Text appearing inside the element">
<wrapper class(input)>
  <knob style(height: 50px)>
type: string
influencing: HTML structure
default: '<wrapper><knob><tooltip></wrapper><caption>'
'Absolute width'; setting this to true computes the slider's width explicitly without taking the slider's (left/right) padding (For now only the default padding is valid) into account
type: boolean
influencing: width
default: false
If true, the value's decimal places are culled if they are 0. This is an aesthetic property coming handy at the value-displaying tooltip.
Example: 6.000 is trimmed to 6
type: boolean
default: true
Versions: 0.2.0, 0.1.0
Version 0.2.0
The number of milliseconds after which the value tooltip should vanish when the slider has stopped being interacted with.
Setting it to false disables the timer, making the value never disappear
type: number OR false
unit: ms
default: 250
Version 0.1.0
The number of milliseconds after which the value tooltip should vanish when the slider has stopped being interacted with
type: number
unit: ms
default: 250
If set to true, the slider instance will replace the targetNode on initialization instead of being appended inside it
type: boolean
influencing: Slider89
default: false

# Read only

The following properties are read only and may not be used as configuration properties

Versions: 0.2.0, 0.1.0
Version 0.2.0
An object containing all nodes of the final HTML structure after the slider instance's initialization
type: object<HTMLnodes>
influences: buildElement
default: undefined
Version 0.1.0
The top-level HTML element (see HTML structure) of the final slider instance after initialization
type: HTMLnode
influences: buildElement
default: undefined

# Internal

#Methods (functions)

# Constructor

sliderInstance = Slider89(targetNode[, configProperties])
The Slider89 class and its constructor; initialize a slider instance by using the new keyword in front of it and binding it to a variable.
const mySlider = new Slider89(someElement);
A more advanced example with a configured slider:
const mySlider = new Slider89(someElement, {
  max: 400,
  value: 300,
  replaceNode: true
targetNode = DOM node: Creation target of the slider instance
configProperties = object: Configuration properties
influences: replaceNode

# Instance functions

Functions under this category are called on a slider instance

This function restructures the slider it was called on with configuration properties given as a parameter.
Although properties could be overriden using sliderInstance.configProperty = newValue, this function ensures every dependent and dependency is restructured as well. For example, it writes a new caption into the element, it sets a new width of the element, etc.
Additionally, if min or max is changed, the value recomputes itself based on the previous min-max-ratio
In the future, I may find a way to deprecate this function
sliderInstance = A slider instance (see the Slider89 constructor)
configProperties = object: Configuration properties
influences: Configuration properties

# The slider89 object

'slider89' (take notice that it's a lowercase "s"!) is a standalone object used for functions which are called without a reference to a slider instance

Called before a slider is created, it sets default configuration properties implicitly applied to every afterwards created slider instance
slider89 = A standalone object storing global values
configProperties = object: Configuration properties

# Internal

#HTML & CSS structure

As of version 0.2.0 (with the introduction of the structure system), CSS has been split into two sections: crucial and non-crucial. Crucial CSS is declared with a strict .slider89 .slider_{sliderPart}, whereas uncrucial styles are matched with the new class .slider89_{sliderPart}. This ensures a good ability to style the slider without the user having to nest their selectors to overcome the strict selectors.

HTML structure
Versions: 0.2.0, 0.1.0
Version 0.2.0
<div class="slider89 [{additional classes}]">
  <div class="slider slider89_wrapper" style="width: {width}px">
    <div class="slider_knob slider89_knob" style="transform: translateX({value}px)"></div>
    <div class="slider_tooltip slider89_tooltip right hidden noselect">{value}</div>
  <div class="slider_header slider89_header">{caption}</div>
Version 0.1.0
<div class="slider89 [{additional classes}]">
  <div class="slider" style="width: {width}px">
    <span class="slider_knob" style="transform: translateX({value}px)"></span>
    <span class="slider_tooltip right hidden noselect">{value}</span>
  <span class="slider_header">{caption}</span>
CSS structure
Versions: 0.2.0, 0.1.0
Version 0.2.0
.slider89 {
  display: inline-block;
.slider89 .slider {
  position: relative;
  font-family: monospace;
  font-size: 18px;
  font-weight: bold;
  padding: 0;
.slider89_wrapper {
  background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 19%);
  height: 25px;

.slider89 .slider_knob {
  position: absolute;
  cursor: pointer;
  left: 0;
  z-index: 1;
.slider89_knob {
  height: 25px;
  width: 14px;
  background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 27%);

.slider89 .slider_tooltip {
  position: absolute;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  height: 100%;
  cursor: default;
  opacity: 1;
  transition: .2s ease-out;
.slider89_tooltip {
  color: hsl(0, 0%, 45%);
  padding: 1px 3px 0;
.slider89 .slider_tooltip.left {
  left: 0;
.slider89 .slider_tooltip.right {
  right: 0;
.slider89 .slider_tooltip.hidden {
  opacity: 0;

.slider89_header {
  color: hsl(0, 0%, 70%);
  font-family: 'Calibri', serif;
  font-size: 20px;

.noselect {
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  -moz-user-select: none;
  -ms-user-select: none;
  user-select: none;
Version 0.1.0
.slider89 {
  display: inline-block;
.slider89 .slider {
  position: relative;
  padding: 0;
  background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 19%);
  font-family: monospace;
  font-size: 18px;
  font-weight: bold;
  height: 25px;

.slider89 .slider_knob {
  position: absolute;
  cursor: pointer;
  left: 0;
  height: 25px;
  width: 14px;
  background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 27%);
  z-index: 1;

.slider89 .slider_tooltip {
  position: absolute;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  padding: 1px 3px 0;
  color: hsl(0, 0%, 45%);
  height: 100%;
  cursor: default;
  opacity: 1;
  transition: .2s ease-out;
.slider89 .slider_tooltip.left {
  left: 0;
.slider89 .slider_tooltip.right {
  right: 0;
.slider89 .slider_tooltip.hidden {
  opacity: 0;

.slider89 .slider_header {
  color: hsl(0, 0%, 70%);
  font-family: 'Calibri', serif;
  font-size: 20px;
  display: block;

.noselect {
  -webkit-user-select: none;
  -moz-user-select: none;
  -ms-user-select: none;
  user-select: none;